Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quadratic Functions

-x2+3x+4=0 <--- This is a Quadratic Function that corresponds to the quadratic formula: ax2+bx+c=0
 1) The first step to graphing a quadratic function you must find the AOS (Axis of Symmetry) the formula for this is    -b/2a
-x2+3x+4=0 your a is the -x2 your b is 3x

-3/-2 = 1.5
2) The second step to solving the quadratic formula is by substituting the AOS for your x's in the equation given.
-x2+3x+4=0 becomes -1.52+3(1.5)+4=0
After the substitution has been done you must solve the equation.
 <--- This is what your other point is.
Your vetrex is (1.5,6.25 )
These are your points you get from your AOS and Vertex
Another way to solve this quadratic function is use the quadratic formula: -b±√b2 -4ac/2a

You substitute the variables in the original equation into the formula

3±√25/-2  <---- You can reduce the √25 to 5
3+5/-2 or 3-5/-2
-4                1.5
These would be the zeroes or points on the parabola

3 hyperlinks


Five facts about my function:
My function is a positive function, it has a minimum when graphed, the parabola for thte function has been shifted up 2 and over to the left 1.5 from the parent function parabola, the function has an AOS of 1.5, and the vertex is 6.25

Literacy Component:
The way that technology contributes to our entire world today is grand. It has taken over the entire world in just a few years. We have started from the basic computer, to the thinest in the entire world. Technology is implemented in math more than ever before. Math is our global language. No need for translation. We all understand the components of it. Technology is just getting us steps closer to uniting together. Bright young minds are not only in my country but many others. The greatest way to do that is with technology. There are apps for Brain Pop, for things like fractions, making equations. So many things that help us. Even for those without an expensive item, a simple laptop or phone already has internet accsess to any website. Math is a subject that makes the world go round. All around us is math. The technology we use has come from equations, formulas, time, even measurements. Our world is being dominated by technology. This is true. Why not impliment it to help ourselves and our future generations to become even better than what we are now.

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